‘t Scheep

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  • Location: Hasselt, Belgium
  • Program: New City Hall of Hasselt
  • Area: 24.000 m²
  • Year: 2018
  • Status: Realized
  • Link: http://www.stadhuis2018.be
  • Label: BEN-gebouw, BREEAM excellent

Hasselt’s new city hall, ‘t Scheep, is a unique fusion of heritage and innovation in the heart of the city. It combines the renovated barracks, which now house hospitality areas, offices, and meeting rooms, with a contemporary new structure that brings together various city services. This blend of old and new symbolizes a bridge between the past and the future, contributing to the urban landscape while giving public space back to the citizens.

The ground floor of ‘t Scheep is designed as an open public space that extends into the Limburgplein and connects seamlessly to the Green Boulevard through the restored barracks. The project introduces new green spaces, such as the one on St. Jozefstraat, and features such as the overhanging mirror wall and an impressive roof garden on the third floor, enhancing urban life and offering new perspectives for urban development.

Designed to be a “citizen’s home,” the City Hall serves as a central point for city services, fostering a sense of community and accessibility. The building’s design encourages interaction, with the roof garden and third-floor cafeteria serving as communal hubs. The architecture blends the past with the future, with the sloping wall of the new building reflecting the dynamics of the city and contributing to an inviting atmosphere, especially in the evenings.

The interior emphasizes simplicity and transparency, with earthy tones and curved lines that soften the space while maintaining a sense of order. Key features such as the imposing staircase enhance the building’s openness, encouraging interaction and connectivity. Art installations, such as Rinus van de Velde’s charcoal drawing, connect different elements of society and enrich the cultural dimension of the City Hall.

Adopting new ways of working, ‘t Scheep is designed for flexibility, collaboration and transparency, reflecting future work trends and ensuring adaptability. Sustainability is a core principle, with the building achieving energy neutrality through efficient techniques and achieving BREEAM Excellent certification, demonstrating Hasselt’s commitment to innovation, respect for heritage and environmental responsibility in urban development.

Project in collaboration with Jaspers-Eyers Architects and Architectenbureau Michel Janssen