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  • Location: Hasselt, Belgium
  • Program: School
  • Area: 8.299 m²
  • Year: 2020
  • Status: Realized

GO! Education of the Flemish Community has transformed Hasselt’s educational infrastructure by consolidating its scattered facilities into new, modern projects, one of which is a state-of-the-art sports school located on the 11th line campus. This innovative school, designed for around 500 students, now boasts extensive sports facilities, including a large sports hall and artificial turf pitches, establishing it as the first top sports school in Flanders.

In its design, the sports and educational functions are housed separately for functional clarity and ease of use after hours. A strategically placed canopy unifies the two buildings, delineating the school’s perimeter while directing users to their respective entrances, creating a cohesive campus atmosphere with a mix of sheltered play areas and green spaces.

The sports building is a hub of activity, with locker rooms and storage conveniently located on the ground floor for direct access to both indoor and outdoor facilities. The layout places smaller halls below ground and the main gymnasium above, creating a multi-functional space that serves the school and community beyond regular hours.

The educational building is structured to separate junior and senior students, each with their own staircases to facilitate smooth daily operations. Classrooms are organized with standard rooms for younger students on the lower level and specialized rooms for older students on the upper level, optimizing accessibility and potential for community use outside of school hours.

This project has not only provided Hasselt with a leading sports education facility, but also introduced a flexible, future-proof architectural model with a strong structural core surrounded by a lightweight, insulated timber exterior, ensuring sustainability and adaptability in the evolving educational landscape.