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  • Location: Lummen, Belgium
  • Program: Residential, 39 apartments
  • Area: 3.556 m²
  • Year: 2017
  • Status: Realized

Situated in a central yet secluded inner area of Lummen, this 39-unit development is designed to enhance the town center by seamlessly integrating new structures into the existing urban landscape. The development is accessible from multiple entry points, fostering a sense of openness and connectivity.

The architectural design makes clever use of the site’s natural topography, introducing a series of building blocks that adapt to the site’s gentle slope. This thoughtful placement results in a dynamic increase in cornice heights that not only adds visual interest to the city’s skyline, but also prioritizes privacy for residents. Each building block is positioned to optimize views and sunlight, enhancing the living experience while maintaining individual privacy.

At the core of the project is a thoughtfully designed common space that serves as a social hub, encouraging interaction among residents and strengthening community ties. The development’s color palette is carefully chosen, with light tones that promote a sense of spaciousness and brightness, and green elements that integrate the lush local flora into the urban setting.

This strategy of architectural integration, combined with practical and aesthetic considerations, ensures that the development respects Lummen’s heritage and character, contributing positively to the town’s atmosphere and making it a welcoming place for both new and existing residents.